George Beaver or Bill's Cemetery (LA085)
Read by Elizabeth Huffman Hague
This cemetery is in the very northeast corner of Marion County on Geist Reservoir (in Admiral's Bay) and when I visited it in May, 1992, there were houses being built all around it. I don't know how the stones fared with so much heavy equipment around.
Go north on County Line Road to Old Stone Drive (north of 86th Street). Turn west (left) and go to the first street on the right, Anchor Bay Drive. Turn north (right) and go up past Richlane to a street sign marked Walnut Grove. The cemetery is in the woods across the street from 9103 Anchor Bay Drive and is straight west of the fire hydrant.
This cemetery was overgrown and unkempt and the land around it was being developed. It was read on May 26, 1992; and there were 12 unknown stones (stones that were too worn, broken, etc.).