Genealogical Society of Marion County
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Records: 2601 to 2677 of 2677
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  Wilkinson High School: Graduates, 1898 - 1926 [Hancock County] Compiled by Ron Darrah
View Record  920.1 F35w Williams -- Thomas Williams, His Family Karsell, P.
View Record  Wishard Hospital :Nursing Association, Alumni Directory2001 N/A
View Record  Wishard Hospital School of Nursing, Graduates of, 1885-1980 Compiled by Ron Darrah
View Record  977.2 M27wi Wishard Hospital, History of, 1859-1999
View Record  IND WHIT CTY Whe Wolcott Centennial History 1861-1961, "100 Years of Progress", Wolcott, IN. Wheeler, Richard M (editor)
View Record  Wolf: Descendants of John Wolf and Sophia Wetzel
View Record  977.2 O27w Woman's Improvement Club of Indianapolis, History of, 1903-1938
View Record  MIL IND SITE Ft. W Cra Women Beyond the Frontier: A Distaff View of Life at Fort Wayne Cramton, WIlla
View Record  ORG Tem Women's Christian Temperance Union: 54th Annual Meeting, 1927 Women's Christian Temperance Union
View Record  977.2 B27w Wooten Patent Desks: Office Furniture Maker of Indianapolis 19th Century
View Record  Working in the Vineyards of Genealogy Willard Heiss
View Record  ETH SCO Zac World Tartans Zaczek, Iain
View Record  WPA Historical Records Survey John Heisey
View Record  WPA Records Survey Fran Carter-Walker
View Record  Write it Yourself II: How to write and publish your family history
View Record  Writing Your Own Life Story
View Record  Writing, Publishing, & Marketing Your Family History Kitchel, D.
View Record  ETH GER Sch Wuerttemberg Emigration Index, Volume One Schenk, Trudy; Ruth Froelke and Inge Bork
View Record  ETH GER Sch Wuerttemberg Emigration Index, Volume Three Schenk, Trudy and Ruth Froelke
View Record  ETH GER Sch Wuerttemberg Emigration Index, Volume Two Schenk, Trudy; Ruth Froelke and Inge Bork
View Record  WV: History of Lewis County, West Virginia Smith, Edward C.
View Record  WV: History of Roane County, West Virginia Bishop, William H.
View Record  WV: Lewis County, West Virginia-Pictorial History Gilchrist, Joy
View Record  WV: Mountain News (West Virginia): 1998-2001
View Record  917.5 A03w WV: West Virginia County Map Book
View Record  WV: West Virginia Genealogy, Sources and Resources Carol McGinnis
View Record  WV: West Virginia History--Commemorative Issue N/A
View Record  WV: Will Abstracts of Brooke County West Virginia, 1797-1849 K. McFarland
View Record  WW1: A History in Documents Coetzee, Frans
View Record  WW1: American Women In World War One, "They Also Served" Gavin, Lettie
View Record  977.2 M28gr WW1: Butler College in the World War Graydon, Katherine Merrill
View Record  WW1: First World War Army Service Records (British) Spencer, William
View Record  MIL IND WWI WW1: Gold Star Honor Roll Oiver, Johhn W (editor)
View Record  MIL IND WWI Han WW1: Hancock County, Indiana in the World War: 1914-18 Hancock County Commissioners
View Record  MIL IND WWI WW1: History and Rosters of the Indiana Companies 113th Engineer Regiment, WWI
View Record  MIL IND WWI Ame WW1: Indiana Women in the World War American Legion Auxiliary (compiled)
View Record  MIL WWI Eng WW1: Over There and Back: History and Roster of 2nd Co., 4th Regiment, Air Service Mechanics, AEF, WWI Engelking, Fred
View Record  WW1: Photographs and Drawings of WW I, approx. 400 plates
View Record  WW1: The 88th Division in the World War, 1914-1918 N/A
View Record  WW1: Yanks--The Epic Story of the American Army in WW1 Eisenhower, John S. D.
View Record  WW2: A Time For Heroes H. S. Student Project
View Record  WW2: Allison War Album Allison Div., GM Corp.
View Record  WW2: American Military Casualties and Burials Methods N/A
View Record  WW2: Army Life--War Dept. Pamphlet 21-13 10 Aug 1944 War Dept
View Record  WW2: Desert War: The North African Campaign Alan Moorehead
View Record  ETH AF AM Pal WW2: Flying with Eagles: Memories of an Original Tuskegee Airman Palmer, Walter J.A.
View Record  MIL IND WWII WW2: Gold Star Honor Roll: Bartholomew County, Brown County: Indiana in World War II, Volume I Indiana War History Commision
View Record  940.53 R03py WW2: Here Is Your War: The Story of G. I. Joe Pyle, Ernie
View Record  WW2: History of the Second World War Time-Life Books
View Record  MIL IND WWII Tur WW2: Indiana At War--Civilian Directory Turner, Lynn (Comp.)
View Record  WW2: Indianapolis Water Company Database of WW2 Employees in the Service
View Record  MIL IND WWII Dwi WW2: Marion County Servicemen Killed in the South Pacific in WW2 Dwiggins, David
View Record  WW2: Memories of the WW2 Era Rebennack, Mildred
View Record  WW2: Order of Battle, U. S. Army Ground Forces Units Stanton, Shelby
View Record  940.5 Refco1 WW2: Photographic History of World War II, Colliers
View Record  WW2: Storied From The Battlefield-Guide to WW2 Research Holik, Jennifer
View Record  WW2: U. S. Army Uniforms, 1939-1945 Dilley, Roy
View Record  973.0 M19n WW2: U.S. Navy Ship Losses, World War 2
View Record  WW2: USS Indianapolis (CA-35): The Final Sailing List, July 1945 Compiled by Katherin Moore
View Record  WW2: USS Indianapolis Memorial Dedication, Aug. 2, 1995 Association
View Record  WW2: USS Indianapolis, "Lost At Sea but Not Forgotten" Mary Lou Murphy
View Record  WW2: War Years: 1939-1945 Harold Nicolson
View Record  WW2: World War II Military Deaths, Marion County, Indiana - CD Compiled by Ron Darrah
View Record  917.87 Wyo Lar WY: Wyoming: A Bicentennial History Larson, T. A.
View Record  Wyatt: Autograph Album of Bessie G. Wyatt, (spouse Harry R. Rowe)
View Record  Year Book of the Society of Indiana Pioneers: 1984 & 1990 Society of Indiana Pioneers
View Record  977.2 H16t Yesterday's Indiana Troyer, Byron L.
View Record  Young Family Tree of Indiana Rebennack, Mildred
View Record  920.1 G35y Young Genealogy American Genealogical Research Institute Staff
View Record  Young Ladies Journal, The: May 1899
View Record  917.5 R03j Your Family Tree: Scientific Genealogy Jordan, D.
View Record  Your Guide To Cemetery Research Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo
View Record  Your Life & Times: How to put a life story on Tape-An Oral History Handbook Stephen and Julia Aruthur
View Record  929.1 G03z Zink Families in America, with allied families Kellogg, Dora Zink
View Record  Zook: Jacob Zook Family Jesse Zook
View Record  917.5 F35z Zugs/Zooks of Pennsylvania Zook, Lois
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Records: 2601 to 2677 of 2677