Genealogical Society of Marion County
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  Genealogical Sources: Reprints from Indiana Magazine of History; 1979 Riker, Dorothy L.
View Record  Genealogist's Address Book, The: 4th Edition Elizabeth Petty Bentley
View Record  METH Cro Genealogist's Companion & Sourcebook Croom, Emily
View Record  Genealogist's Encyclopedia, The Pine, L. G.
View Record  METH Car Genealogist's Guide to Discovering Your Female Ancestors Carmack, Sharon DeBartolo
View Record  Genealogist's Guide to Washington D.C. John Heisey
View Record  Genealogist's Handbook: Modern Methods for Researching Family History Wright, Raymond
View Record  METH Mel Genealogist's Question and Answer Book Melnyk, Marcia
View Record  Genealogy and the 3R's: Using Indiana School Records Ron Darrah
View Record  929.9 R03j Genealogy as Pastime and Profession Milton Rubicam
View Record  Genealogy by Willard Heiss: Feb & Oct. '79, Apr '80, Feb & Jul '81, Aug & Nov '82, Oct '83, Feb & Apr '86 Willard Heiss
View Record  917.5 US03g Genealogy Correspondence Resource Guide
View Record  Genealogy Help, Hints, and Hope John Heisey
View Record  Genealogy Online Crowe, Elizabeth
View Record  Genealogy Online for Dummies Matthew Helm
View Record  Genealogy Presentations Lux, Irene E. & Mayer, Phillip M.
View Record  General Land Office Records: Homesteads, Cash Entry Patents, Virginia Military Warrants, Canadian Refuge and United Brethren Patents from 1790 to 1907 Dept. of Interior
View Record  977.2 G21g Gentlemen From Indiana, National Party Candidates - 1836-1940 Edited by Ralph D. Gray
View Record  Gentry/Whitesell/ Wright Cemetery Readings: CD and Notebook
View Record  917.5 R03w George Washington's Expense Account Kitman, Marvin
View Record  ETH GER Gal German Americans Galicich, Anne
View Record  German Americans of Indianapolis, The Max Kade
View Record  German Connection, 1st Quarter 2003
View Record  ETH GER Hei German for Genealogy Heisey, John
View Record  ETH GER Sch German Genealogical Research Schweitzer, George R
View Record  German Genealogy Research; At A Glance Reference Thode, Ernest
View Record  German Heritage Society Newsletter: Summer 2007, Fall 2007
View Record  ETH GER Zim German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1842-1854 Zimmerman, Gary J., and Marion (Compilers)
View Record  German Research Companion Riemer, Shirley
View Record  ETH GER Ada German-Americans: An Ethnic Experience Adams, Will Paul
View Record  German: Atlas of German Migration and America Eldridge, Carrie
View Record  ETH GER McD German: Composite Index to Five Lists of Members of Athenaeum Turners and Damenverein and the Socialer Turnverein Stock Association of Indianapolis, Indiana, 1880-ca1918 McDougal, Robert A.
View Record  German: German Settlers and German Settlements in Indiana Fritsch, William
View Record  German: Historical Sketch of the German-English Independent School of Indianapolis, "Our Old School" Theodore Stein
View Record  ETH GER McD German: Name Index to the Indianapolis Gardeners Benefit Society 1997 McDougal, Robert A., MD
View Record  ETH GER Pau German: Palatines in America (bi-lingual) Paul, Roland and Karl Scherer
View Record  ETH GER Wus German: SPAN200 The Story of German-American Involvement in the Founding and Development of America Wust, Klans and Norbert Muehlen
View Record  ETH GER Bit Germans in Colonial Times Bittinger, Lucy F.
View Record  ETH GER Pro Germans in Indianapolis 1840-1918 Probst, George Theodore; Revised by Eberhard Reichmann
View Record  Ghost Hunters Guide To Indianapolis Sankowsky, Lorri
View Record  Gill: History of the Gill Family Gill, Thomas F.
View Record  FAM HIS Gin Ginder Families in the United States Moudy, Vera Mae (Ginder)
View Record  Givan Family; The Givan Family Genealogy From 1634 To Current Givan, George M. and Anna E.
View Record  FAM HIS Giv Givan: The Givan Family 1634-1920 in France, Scotland, Ireland, England and America: In the Home Life and in The Forum of Public Welfare as Citizens, Soldiers, Artisans, Educators, Lawyers, Jurists, Ministers Given, T. S.
View Record  Golden Age of Indianapolis Theaters Caldwell, Howard
View Record  Fam HIS Gol Goldthwaite: Thomas Goldthwaite of Yorkshire and Massachusetts and his Descendants Parts I & II Harcourt, Marion Goldthwaite
View Record  975. R03ka Gone are the Days Harnett Kane
View Record  BUS Rei Good Chemistry. The Story of P.C. Reilly and Reilly Industries Beck, Bill
View Record  Goodwin Family History and Genealogy: Volume 1
View Record  Goodwin Family History and Genealogy: Volume 2
View Record  Goodwin Family History and Genealogy: Volume 3
View Record  Bio Wal Governor David Wallace; Messages and Papers, 1837-1840
View Record  Governors of Indiana: 1800 to 1965 Indianapolis News
View Record  977.2 H21g Graham: Personal Memoirs of William Graham; "Window to a Changed World" Parman, D.
View Record  IND GRA CTY McG Grant County: Interesting Episodes in the Early History of Marion and Grant County IN McGrew, W. H.
View Record  Grant Moves South Bruce Catton
View Record  Grant Takes Command Bruce Catton
View Record  Grant: Centennial History of Grant County, Indiana, 1914 Rolland L. Whitson
View Record  Grant: History of Grant County, Indiana, 1886 Beckwith
View Record  977.2 A25s Graphic Street Guide of Greater Indianapolis
View Record  917.5 R03r Grass Roots People: An American Requiem Nancy Wood
View Record  Gray Ghosts of the Confederacy - Guerrilla Warfare in the West 1861-1865 Brownlee, Richard
View Record  917.5 R03p Great Ancestor Hunt, The Perl, Lila
View Record  Great Lakes Woodland People
View Record  387.3 R03sc Great Sailing Ships Otmar Schaufelen
View Record  Greater Indianapolis Blue Book: A List of Club Members, Public Officials, 1899
View Record  INDPLS HIS Dun Greater Indianapolis The History, the Industries, the Institutions, and the People of a City of Homes, Volume I, Illustrated Dunn, Jacob Piatt
View Record  GSMC website Greater Indianapolis The History, the Industries, the Institutions, and the People of a City of Homes, Volume I, Illustrated Dunn, Jacob Piatt
View Record  INDPLS HIS Dun Greater Indianapolis The History, the Industries, the Institutions, and the People of a City of Homes, Volume II, Illustrated Dunn, Jacob Piatt
View Record  GSMC website Greater Indianapolis The History, the Industries, the Institutions, and the People of a City of Homes, Volume II, Illustrated Dunn, Jacob Piatt
View Record  Greene County: Early History of Greene County, Indiana Baber, Jack
View Record  IND GRE CTY Goo Greene/Sullivan Counties: History of Greene and Sullivan Counties, State of Indiana: From the Earliest Time to the Present; Together with Interesting Biographical Sketches, Reminiscences, Notes, Etc Goodspeed Bros.
View Record  977.2 C22g Greenlawn Cemetery Reconstructed Darrah, Ron
View Record  929.2 I21gr Gresham: Life of Walter Quintin Gresham -- 1832-1895, Volumes I and II Gresham, Matilda
View Record  920.1 F35g Griffin: Ancestry of Floronne Leah Griffin Kerchal, D. R.
View Record  977.2 M20ha Growth and Change: Indianapolis, 1820-1920 Hester, Ann Hale
View Record  GSMC Family Quest: Vol.1 No.1 thru Vol.3 No.4 (.pdf files) Scanned by Tom York
View Record  GSMC History: 1995, 96, 97, 98
View Record  IMM Dan Guarding The Golden Door: American Immigration Policy Since 1882 Daniels, Roger
View Record  ETH AF AM Gib Guide to African American Printed Sources at the Indiana Historical Society Gibbs, Wilma L. (Compiler)
View Record  Guide to Cemetery Preservation Ohio Genealogical Society
View Record  728.Ref Pra Guide to Early American Homes Pratt
View Record  Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives Colket, Meredith B.and Bridgers, Frank E.
View Record  Guide to Manuscript Collections of the Indiana Historical Society & Indiana State Library Pumroy, Eric and Brockman, Paul
View Record  NAT Sch Guide to Naturalization Records of the United States Schaefer, Christina K
View Record  917.5 R03na Guide to Records in the National Archives - Great Lakes Region, Chicago, Illinois
View Record  Guide to Records in the National Archives Relating to American Indians Hill, Edward (Comp)
View Record  MO Hug Guide to St. Louis Catholic Archdiocesan Parish Records Hughes, Christine
View Record  ETH GER Coy Guide to Tracing Family Trees in Germany Coyle, Alexander
View Record  920.1 F35r Hackemeyer: Growing Up On the Wolf Pike: Life in the Hackemeyer and Roberts Families Grace Hackemeyer Roberts
View Record  Hacker's Creek Journal: An Historical & Genealogical Society of Central West Virginia, Vol. XIII, Issue 2, 1994-95 Historical & Genealogical Society of Central West Virginia
View Record  929.2 M21h Hague Family of Marion County, IN, The Hague, Elizabeth Huffman, comp.
View Record  IND HAM CTY Dar Hamilton County Complete Probate Records, 1829-1855 Darlington, C.G.R.S, Jane E (Compiled by)
View Record  IND HAM CTY DNR Hamilton County Interim Report: Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, DNR, State of Indiana
View Record  IND HAM CTY Ing Hamilton County, Indiana Marriage Records Book "A", 1833-1843 Ingmire, Frances Terry (compiled by)
View Record  IND HAM CTY Ing Hamilton County, Indiana Will Book "B", 1835-1844 Ingmire, Frances Terry (compiled by)
View Record  IND HAM CTY Rid Hamilton County, Indiana; Early Marriage Records, 1833-1846 Ridlen, Colleen (compiled by)
View Record  IND HAM CTY Edw Hamilton County: A View of Home Place, Indiana Edwards, Jack E.
View Record  Hamilton County: Carmel HS Oracle, 1929 N/A
View Record  Hamilton County: Carmel-A Second Discovery Smith, Dorothy
View Record  IND HAM CTY Cam Hamilton County: Celebrate Carmel, Sesquicentennial, 1837-1987 Campbell, Marilyn (Editor)
View Record  IND HAM CTY Ing Hamilton County: Naturalization Certificates, 1855-1905 Ingmire, Frances Terry
View Record  IND HAM CTY Mas Hamilton County: Noblesville Massey, Nancy and Schweikert, Carol Ann
View Record  Hamilton County: Noblesville High School, Alumni of, 1876 - 1894 Extracted by Ron Darrah
View Record  Hamilton County: Oaklawn Cemetery N/A
View Record  Hamilton County: Remembrances Foland, John
View Record  IND HAM CTY War Hamilton County: Reminiscences of Long Ago 1831-1911 being a historical sketch of the Early Settlement of Bethlehem, now Carmel and vicinity Warren, Zina
View Record  IND HAM CTY Rob Hamilton County: Robinson's 1979 Carmel, Indiana City Directory Robinson's Directories
View Record  Hammond History Eugene Sears and Barbara Long
View Record  R 912 H Hammond Medallion World Atlas
View Record  Hammond's New Supreme World Atlas, 1955
View Record  Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Hinton, David A.
View Record  Hampton Court: Growning up Catholic in Indianapolis Between the Wars Connor, Lawrence S.
View Record  IND HAN CTY DNR Hancock County Interim Report Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, DNR, State of Indiana
View Record  IND HAN CTY Rid Hancock County, Indiana Early Marriage Records, 1828-1847 Ridlen, Colleen (compiled by)
View Record  IND HAN CTY Har Hancock County, Indiana, 1895 History and Genealogies Harden, Samuel
View Record  Hancock County: Mount Comfort High School: Graduates, 1902 - 1929 compiled by Ron Darrah
View Record  IND HAN CTY Nat Hancock County: Naturalizations List
View Record  Hancock: Also Great "Stories of the famous and not-So-famous of Hancock County Skvarenina, Joseph
View Record  Hancock: Diaries of B. F. Hardin, Campbellsburg, Hancock Co., 1900-1919 Hardin
View Record  Hancock: Hancock County Then and Now Skvarenina, Joseph
View Record  280. R26m Handbook of Denominations in the United States: Their History, Doctrines, Organization, and Present Status Mead, Frank S.
View Record  Handwriting of American Records for a Period of 300 Years Kirkham, Kay
View Record  Handwriting: The Handwriting of American Records for 300 Years Kirkham, E. Kay
View Record  Handy Book for Genealogists, 8th Edition, 1991
View Record  Handy Index to the Holding of the Geneaglocial Society of Utah
View Record  929. R03h Handybook for Genealogists, 8th Edition Edited by George B. Everton, Sr.
View Record  ETH AF AM Dix Hard Times: Memoirs of a Southern Black Boy Raised during the Depression Dixon, Joe Robert
View Record  Harding Family of Wayne Township (See McRay Notebook)
View Record  BIO Har Harrison: Benjamin Harrison, Hoosier Statesman (From the Civil War to the White House, 1865-1888) Sievers, Harry J.
View Record  Harrison: Benjamin Harrison, Hoosier Warrior Sievers, Harry
View Record  920.1 F35h Hartpence Family In America Heer, E.
View Record  979.4 I18h Harvey: Diary of Charles H. Harvey: California Gold Rush, February 12 - November 12, 1852 Clanin, Douglas E.
View Record  Healing the Heart, Healing the Hood: Olgen Williams's story of the rebuilding of his life & neighborhood Williams, Olgen
View Record  Health: History of Indiana State Board of Health, to 1925 Rice, Thurman B.
View Record  977. I16h Heartland: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Havighurst, Walter
View Record  IND HEN CTY Dee Hendricks County Grantee Deed Index, April 1826-1853 County Seat Genealogial Society (compiled by)
View Record  IND HEN CTY Dee Hendricks County Grantor Deed Index, April 1826 - 1853. County Seat Genealogial Society (compiled by)
View Record  IND HEN CTY Map Hendricks County Map Hendricks County Convention and Visitors Bureau
View Record  IND HEND CTY Scr Hendricks County: County Seat Scraps Journal: Volume I-II with index, 1988-1989 Hendricks County [Indiana] Genealogical Society
View Record  IND HEND CTY Scr Hendricks County: County Seat Scraps Journal: Volume III-V with index, 1990-1992 Hendricks County [Indiana] Genealogical Society
View Record  IND HEND CTY Scr Hendricks County: County Seat Scraps Journal: Volume VI-VII with index, 1993-1994 Hendricks County [Indiana] Genealogical Society
View Record  IND HEND CTY Scr Hendricks County: County Seat Scraps Journal: Volume VIII-X with index, 1995-1997 Hendricks County [Indiana] Genealogical Society
View Record  IND HEND CTY Scr Hendricks County: County Seat Scraps Journal: Volume XI-XIII with index, 1998-2000 Hendricks County [Indiana] Genealogical Society
View Record  IND HEND CTY Scr Hendricks County: County Seat Scraps Journal: Volume XIV-XVI with index, 2001-2003 Hendricks County [Indiana] Genealogical Society
View Record  IND HEN CTY Fri Hendricks County: Industrial Souvenir of Hendricks County,1904 Friends Press
View Record  IND HEN CTY Rep Hendricks County: Republican, Danville, Indiana, January 2, 1890 through June 26, 1890, Volume i County Seat Genealogial Society
View Record  IND HEN CTY Rep Hendricks County: Republican, Danville, Indiana, July 3, 1890 through December 18, 1890, Volume II County Seat Genealogial Society
View Record  IND HEN CTY Rep Hendricks County: Republican; Danville, Indiana Genealogical Abstracts, January 1891 thru June 1891, Volume I County Seat Genealogial Society
View Record  IND HEN CTY Rep Hendricks County: Republican; Danville, Indiana Genealogical Abstracts, July 1891 thru December 1891, Volume II County Seat Genealogial Society
View Record  IND HEN CTY McD Hendricks County: The History of Hendricks County, Indiana, 1914-1976 McDowell, John R. (Ed.)
View Record  IND HENRY CTY Nat Henry County: Naturalizations List Henry County, Indiana
View Record  929 s Heraldry For the American Genealogist Stephenson, Jean
View Record  977.2 H30i Here is Your Indiana Government - 1989-90
View Record  Hereditary Register of the United States, 1974
View Record  Heritage Memories, Big Idea Book of: Creating Keepsakes Jesse Young
View Record  Heritage Quest Magazine, September 1985-December 1999 HQ
View Record  Heritage Quest Magazine: Cumulative Index for Issues 1-54
View Record  Heritage Quest Magazine: Issue #'s 14, 25, 27-32, 35, 37-38, 41, 48-56
View Record  Heritage Quest Magazine: Issue #'s 58-63, 64-72, 74-75, 77-78, 84-90, 92-95, 100-107
View Record  929.2 M21p Herpich Family, The Plummer, Morris A.
View Record  920.1 F35j Hessling: Bernard Hessling and His Sisters Jones, P. D.
View Record  Highlander, The: The Magazine of Scottish Heritage, Jul, Sep, Nov 1996 and Mar Apr 1997
View Record  Hillenbrand: The Biography of John A. Hillenbrand Dalglish, Garven
View Record  Hinchman Family In America, From 1637 To Present Hinchman, L. J.
View Record  Historic Documents 1972 Congressional Quarterly
View Record  BUS HOS Bla Historic Hoosier Dining, Lodging, and Hospitality Black, Harry G.
View Record  977.2 H16l Historic Indiana: Being Chapters in the Story of the Hoosier State from the Romantic Period of Foreign Exploration and Dominion Through Pioneer Days, Stirring War Times, and Periods of Peaceful Progress, To the Present Time. Second Edition, Illustrated Levering, Julia Henderson
View Record  977.2 M16hp Historic Indiana: Guide to Indiana Properties on the National Register of Historic Places
View Record  977.2 I16 Historic Indiana: Indiana Properties Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, 1999-2000
View Record  Historic Indianapolis Crimes: Murder + Mystery in the Circle City Cavinder, Fred C.
View Record  Historic Irvington: Images of America Young, Julie
View Record  Historic Property Report Monument Circle Reconstruction Weintraut & Associates
View Record  ETH AF AM Asa Historical and Cultural Atlas of African Americans Asanta, Molefi K., and Mark T. Mattson
View Record  Historical Atlas of Kentucky and Her Counties Isaac Shelby
View Record  911. R25p Historical Atlas of the World Edited by R.R. Palmer
View Record  977.2 H29r Historical Homes of Indianapolis
View Record  977.2 I16b Historical Markers and Public Memorials in Indiana Boswell, Jessie P.
View Record  Historical View of Indianapolis Brown, Ignatius
View Record  History & Selected Burials of the Indiana Veterans Home, 1896-1996 N/A
View Record  IND BOO CTY Zio History of Eagle Township, Boone County, Indiana 1937 Zionsville HS Civics Class
View Record  977.2 I28b History of Education in Indiana, A Boone, Richard G., A.M., Ph.D.
View Record  History of Education in the Middle West, The: Lectures, 1976-77 Timothy L. Smith and Donald E. Pitzer
View Record  ETH ENG Que History of Everyday Things in England: Everyday Life in England from 1066 to 1499 Quennell, Marjorie and C. B.
View Record  MIL IND SITE Ft. B Bow History of Fort Benjamin Harrison, 1903-1982 Bower, Stephen E.
View Record  IND HAM CTY Hel History Of Hamilton County, Indiana, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. To which are appended Maps of its Several Townships Helm, T.B
View Record  GSMC website History of Indiana from it's exploration to 1850 Esarey, Logan, Ph.D
View Record  977.2 I19 History of Indiana From Its Exploration to 1850 Esarey, Logan, Ph.D
View Record  977.2 H16d History of Indiana, From its Earliest Exploration by Europeans to the Close of the Territorial Government, In 1816; comprehending A History of the Discovery, Settlement, And Civil and Military Affairs of the Territory of the U.S. Northwest of the River Ohio, and a General View of the Progress of Public Affairs in Indiana, From 1816 to 1856 Dillon, John B.
View Record  977.2 H01e History of Indiana, From It's Exploration to 1923: Four Volume Set Esarey, Logan, Ph.D, Edited by Kate Milner Rabb and William Herschell
View Record  History of Indiana: From It's Exploration to 1923: Volume 1 Esarey, Logan
View Record  History of Indiana: From It's Exploration to 1923: Volume 2 Esarey, Logan
View Record  History of Indiana: From It's Exploration to 1923: Volume 3 Esarey, Logan
View Record  History of Indiana: From It's Exploration to 1923: Volume 4 Esarey, Logan
View Record  INDPLS HIS Sul History of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana with Illustrations Sulgrove, B. R.
View Record  GSMC website History of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana. Sulgrove, B. R.
View Record  977.2 H20b History of Indianapolis Central Canal, "Now That Time Has Had It's Say" Bakken, J. D.
View Record  977.2 O27M History of Methodist Hospital, "A Mission of Compassionate Health Care"
View Record  ETH IRI Nor History of Modern Ireland Norman, E. R.
View Record  IND OWEN CTY Hen History of Owen County Indiana, Part II of II Henry, G.N.
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